Monday, 20 May 2019

Mile 42: Through the Islands to Brockville

Through the Islands to Brockville
Current Location: Brockville
Mile:  44.3
Locate:  1) Ramble On, 2) Ramble On
Locate:  1) Finnish Line 2.0, 2) Finnish Line 2.0

Started like a lamb and ended a lion! We left Kingston with a light SW wind and overcast skies and as we progressed along the Canadian channel. The winds built until we passed under the Thousand Islands Bridge where the wind distinctly picked up and became a little squirrelly.

From there it continued to build until we arrived in Brockville. We spent the day under jib alone. Max gust on the instruments was 44.9, and max speed through the water was almost 9 knots!

Safe and sound

We tied up at the wall on the municipal side of the harbour.  Both Bob and I performed various spins in the harbour against 30 knots of wind to end up facing into the wind at the wall.   Water is very high here.  A local claims it's 2" higher than 2017.   BYC looks to be much awash, and there are only inches left of the pile wall we are against leaving our fenders to barely having something to fend against.

Tomorrow we look forward to our first of 7 locks.  Iroquois lock is a "leveling" lock and as such there can be as little as a 1 foot level difference.

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