First, you can track us online as long as there are AIS land stations nearby:
Ramble On & Finnish Line 2.0
Quick outline of our plan: where we are going and when we hope to be there:
- May
- 20th: Finnish Line 2.0 & Ramble On depart Kingston with Chris, Linda, Bob & John
- 25th: through locks & arrive in Montreal
- 26th: visit from John W
- 29th: arrive in Quebec City, joined by Nanci
- June
- 4th: arrive at Tadoussac to spend week in Saguenay
- 7th: arrive at Chicoutimi, John & Nanci leave & Debbie arrives
- 12th: depart Tadoussac
- 21st: arrive in Gaspe, Debbie departs
- July
- 4th: arrive at Shediac, joined by Andrew & St. Pete's Chris
- 11th: arrive in Summerside PEI, joined by Tarja
- 11th: arrive at Charlottetown, Andrew leaves
- 18th: arrive in St Peter's N.S.
- 19th: joined by Ben, St. Pete's Chris leaves
- 20th: head to Bras D'or Lakes
- 20th-24th: meet up with Peter & Ze
- 26th: Ben & Tarja leave
- August
- 1st: arrive in Halifax
- 4th: depart Halifax, joined by Debbie
- 18th: arrive at Yarmouth
- 21st: arrive Grand Manan
- 23rd: arrive at Bar Harbour Maine!
- 24th: Debbie leaves, and St Pete's Chris joins
- September
- 6th: arrive in Boston
- 9th: Peter & Wilma join
- 19th: arrive in New York City! and Tarja joins
- 21st: Peter & Wilma leave
- 25th: arrive at Hop-O-Nose to drop mast
- 27th: Otto & Gertrud join
- October
- 1st: arrive at Little Falls NY, Otto & Gertrud leave
- 5th: arrive at Oswego
- 7th: arrive back home in Kingston!!!! (back in our own bed!)
Looking forward to hearing about your experiences on the Bras D'Or Lakes. I will have trod on many of the shores you will see. So wishing you have a great time all along the way!!